Sunday, April 18, 2010

Using Technology Can Reduce Energy Costs in Schools!

In this article there is thought about using technology to reduce energy/electricity waste in schools. Instead of teachers being in there office for office hours can could be at home on their computer. There are many programs that offer teachers to teach online, post power points, and give students advice through the internet. This could be a more vital source in the near future then it is even now in our schools! If our teachers do not have to spend as much before and after school hours sitting in their rooms, then we can save the school energy costs.

In this article the idea is brought up about meetings, and in-services from home or on the internet. This eliminates commuting and wasted energy at the schools. This could go a long way for effecting the environment. Each year our schools are going to become more technology savvy and us as future teachers/ teachers are going to have to be ready for this change! I think it will be for the best as long as proper training and classes are offered for teachers and students who would like the training!


Link to article

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